Tom Clifton is a successful author but he's got a problem: as he struggles with his latest novel, he can no longer deny that something's wrong with his mind. He keeps forgetting names, places and even parts of his own day. His parents both had with dementia and now Tom's terrified that he's going to suffer the same fate.

Determined to fight, Tom tries to find out what's really going on in his home. But as he gets closer to the source of the noises, is he prepared to face the most horrifying truth of all? And will the nightmare improve his writing or shatter his mind completely?

Typo is a psychological horror novel about a man facing his darkest personal demons, and about all the different ways people fight to survive.


Amy Cross is the author of more than 200 horror, fantasy and science-fiction novels. Her books include Asylum, The Farm and the Ghosts of Crowford series

Amy Cross horror author