Amy Cross Camera Man


All her life, Jess has been tormented by the camera man. When she was a little girl, she saw him taking photos of her while she was on holiday with her family. Ever since, she's spotted the same man occasionally. Always keeping his distance. Always taking pictures.

And now he's back.

As she approaches her mid-twenties, Jess sees the man yet again, just as her best friend vanishes. Haunted by the sight of the mysterious camera man, but never able to get close and ask him what he wants, she starts to worry that she might have imagined the whole thing. Is the camera man real, and if so, why has he been so interested in Jess for all these years?

The Camera Man is a horror novel about a woman haunted by a mysterious figure, and about a man tortured by a voice in his head.

First published: June 2017
Genre: Horror
Series or Standalone: Standalone