Amy Cross Demon's Grail Evolution


Separated from the world she calls home, Abby Hart is forced to undergo rigorous training. The plains of Jagadoon offer her a chance to prepare for the upcoming battle, but she knows that this particular type of training can often be lethal. And then, one day, a visitor arrives with a terrifying message.

Gothos itself is in danger.

Dark forces are preparing to reignite the most horrific war that has ever been fought. As she makes her own preparation for a final confrontation with Abby, Emilia starts to realize that her father's plans involve destruction on an epic scale. Before she has a chance to challenge him, however, she discovers that the time has come to launch an assault on the home of the vampire species.

First published: October 2015
Genre: Vampire / Horror / Paranormal Fantasy
Series or Standalone: Ongoing Series (book 4)